• When is the class reunion?

The events for the reunion will be held starting Thursday July 4th, 2019 with the closing event on Sunday July 7th 2019. See the "Events/Tickets" tab for details.

  • How much is the reunion?

Each event is priced separately. See the bottom of the "Events/Tickets" tab for details. Be sure to take advantage of the All-Inclusive Early Bird Package before March 1st, 2019!

  • Why is there a charge for the parade? Isn't it a free event?

Yes, the parade is free. If you choose to donate, the small fee will go toward the purchase of candy to throw for the children watching the parade. We will also have water and snacks for those that are participating...it's a pretty long walk!

  • The site says the Sunday Luau is free, but I see a $5 charge. Do I have to pay to come?

No, you are not required to pay in order to attend the Luau. Because our class does not have funds saved for this event, everything will be purchased from funds raised, or out of pocket from the organizers. For this reason, we are asking if you are able to donate $5 to offset the costs. If you would rather contribute food, plasticware, beverages, tablecloths etc., just let us know!

  • Speaking of funds raised, are we having a fundraiser?

There will be t-shirts, "dad hats", coffee mugs and wine glasses available for purchase. All profits from these items will go towards our event so please consider making a purchase. Remember, the reunion will only be as good as we make it.

  • Okay got it. So when is this money due?

Pricing and deadlines are available on the "Events/Ticksets" tab.

So here's the deal. The more people that RSVP, the better discounts we get. The better discounts we get, the more money you save. The more money you save...well you get the idea. It is important to have an idea of who will be participating so we can be confirmed with all the venues. This is why we aren't able to accomodate day-of purchases.  Bottom line, buy as soon as you can. Take advantage of the earlybird deals. Grab some of our fundraising items (see above).  Don't be the person on social media wishing you were there!

  • Why are there so many events on Saturday?

We understand that some will be attending the reunion alone, while others will be with their children and/or significant others. We want to ensure there are activities for everyone. You are not required to attend every single event, however it will be fun to have a "field trip" like the old days, minus the permission slips and bus rides!

  • Ah yes, my kids. Which events can they attend?

The only events that are not kid-friendly are the Goodtime III and Shooters.

  •  I have no idea what to wear. Please help?

Saturday night, think Cocktail attire. If you're still not sure - use the Google. Other than that, dress comfortably. We will be wearing our shirts to the parade.

  • I just read this entire page and still have questions, what now?

No problem. See that bottom tab to the top left? The one that says "Contact Us"? Click that and ask away!

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